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Design Ideas Using Stone

This is an excerpt from the Book called “Design ideas for decorative Concrete & Stone“.Continue reading to learn more about Basic Design Ideas Using Stone, thanks to the author.

Since people first began harnessing nature to build walls, dwellings and weapons natural stone has been a material of choice-easily mined when quarries were discovered and easily cut and shaped with even the most basic tools. Indeed stone is as old as planet earth. The minerals that abound in naturals stone evolve from the same minerals, liquids, and gases that pushed up to the face from within its core eons ago. Expert craft people now are able to manipulate stone for almost use. Cutting and casting are only two methods of creating stone product. 

Rough And Smooth 

Whatever its origins and whether it’s hard or soft stone possesses raw beauty enhanced by its ability to be manipulated. Natural stone occurs in the earth in a great many forms, but a few are more common than others. Sedimentary stone results from the actions of oceans, rivers, wind and glaciers, creating enough pressure to allow rock beta to form. Metamorphic stone evolves from the impact of minerals, intense heat and pressure evolves from the impact of minerals, intense heat, and pressure to turn one type of stone into another. Igneous stone has volcanic origins. When boiling lava cools beneath the earth’s surface, mineral gases and liquid minerals penetrate the stone, creating new crystalline forms. 

Like Clay in an Artist’s Hand 

Variations in texture and pattern were achieved here by unique arrangements of shaped and colour stone veneers. These table tops present a sampling of possibilities –mosaic stones arranged in acquires and diamonds, plus solid borders. Placed either indoors or outdoors, they should be coated with a penetrating sealer-to prevent stains and discoloration-and wiped regularly with a clean, soft cloth. 


Step on it. Whether individual pieces shaped by nature are sets on the ground to form a footpath or carefully cut units are arranged in planned pattern, stone is a natural choice when producing a surface in which to walk. It’s hardy unaffected by weather and resilient. Stone can be manipulated to create varying shapes and finishes, but all tonal differences are achieved in nature: high temperatures and varying pressures under the earth’s surface act in different minerals to create the stone colours, for unpatrolled variations. 


Sizes And Shapes 

 Machines make the difference. These pebbles and stones look as though they are lifted from an active river box and shaped over thousands of years. The examples, below, in different colour and shape variations, were produced by steel blades, then honed to create smooth surfaces. When used decoratively, honed surfaces are more porous and less vividly colour than polished stone, which is so smooth it’s rarely used outdoors. 


Sandstone has been used extensively in buildings for over 100 years because of its uniform texture. Below, stone samples in yellow-brown and yellow-pink with natural cleft surfaces show the possibilities of using various colours and tones for an appealing look. 

Kitchen Cavalcade 

Whether you’re surfacing a kitchen floor or a countertop, stone is a likely choice because of its versatility and rich coloration. Stone floors are cut tiles that are grouted for a smooth surface  

Any type of countertop edge treatment is possible, even with these hardest stone. Stone countertops are crafted from slabs-usually in 5* 8 –foot sixes. For counters or island surfaces longer than 8 feet seams are required. But skilled fabricators can about adjoining slabs and grout them so effectively that the seams seem virtually invisible. 

Edge Options 

When you are choosing an edge treatment one of the things to consider is the style of your kitchen. You will want this important finishing detail to complement the room’s overall look. However slab thickness will ultimately determine what edge choices are possible. 

Edge Options
Edge Options

For a thin stone countertop, a straight edge is the usual choice, although it may be possible to have a radius edge is the usual choice, although it may be possible to have a radius edge, which has a slightly curve at the top. Thicker stone surfaces allow you to choose one of these more common edge treatments: 

  • Bevel- a slight angle in the top 35 of an edge 
  • Bullnose- an edge carved into the shape of a half- circle. 
  • Half bullnose- an edge with a sweeping curve, like a quarter4-circle. 
  • Pencil- a nearly straight edge but with a less pronounced curve 
  • Stepped bullnose- a standard bullnose with a notch at the top. 
  • Ogee- a truly elegant edge, shaped like an elongated “s” curve 

Bath Bonanza 

The bathroom is where natural stone in many of its forms and finishes is used lavishly for both a dramatic and practical effect –on walls, floors, sinks, counters, and often even on tubs. Whether a hard granite is selected or a softer more porous marble or limestone natural stone makes a strong statement-in its veining and its colour variation founds in nature in ancient and new quarries in various parts of the world-stone represents an uneven image as no two pieces are ever exactly alike. For many people, these differences and apparent imperfections only add to its appeal. These bathroom fixtures all made from natural stone scan inspire you. With the limitless ways of handling stone perhaps you will dream up your own design for a very individual custom order. 

Care Giving 

For longevity, stone should be protected with a penetrating sealer, applied before initial use and periodically thereafter. Floors should be swept regularly, then mopped with a solution of mild detergent and water; after a warm-water rinse, the surface should be allowed to dry thoroughly to prevent streaking.  Waxing any stone floor will produce a perilously slippery surface. 

Avoid using bleach, vinegar, or ammonia, and never rub on abrasive cleansers. Mop up of sponge all spills as soon as possible to prevent the possibility of permanent staining rust spots can be challenging, particularly on surfaces that may be somewhat porous .First, purchase a commercial rust remover formulated for the type of stone that’s been stained. Then, mixed with an equal amount of powdered whiting, of tale chalk, apply it to the stain. You may need to leave this mixture on the spot for two full days before the rust vanishes.

Hearth Dreams 

No decorating element rivals the warmth of a working fireplace. Once a home’s slow heat source, a fireplace is now an accent, even in homes with more than one. There was a time when brick was a fireplace staple; now, natural stones are in wide use. With today’s new direct-vent and vent-free units, chimneys are unnecessary. Fireplaces can be located on any walls: not only in living and family rooms but also in bedrooms, kitchens, and even bathrooms. Think of a fireplace as eye comfort: a source of visual as well as physical warmth. 

For a rustic look, there are fireplaces made of rough-surfaces, random-shaped stones. For refined elegance, there are stone units with hand-carved trim. With its classic veining and variable finish, stone can add texture and interest to any design. Each of these fireplaces exemplifies the beauty of natural stone as well as its strength and durability. 

Bath Bonanza
Bath Bonanza

 A fireplace makes a strong architectural statement in any room. The following guidelines will help you make the most of this important design element. 

  • DO think of a fireplace as eye comfort, a source of visual as well as physical warmth. 
  • DON’T neglect scale when planning a fireplace. Oversized, it can visually overwhelm a room; undersized, it’s likely to make a room feel less important.  
  • DO consider the mood you want for the room while deciding on the color and texture of the stones when choosing a fireplace style. 
  • DON’T settle for a basic “builder box.” For a true focal point fireplace, visit a showroom with a variety of styles. 
  • DO have the firebox lined with fireproof brick 
  • DON’T rely entirely on samples; select the actual stones that will be used to build you fireplace, no matter where you plan to place it in your home. 
  • DO keep in mind how the fireplace will look in warm weather, when there’s on fire or flame. Andirons, an ornamental screen, or a decorated mantel will hold the focus. 
  • DON’T forget to have a penetrating sealer applied to any natural stone that frames the fireplace. That’s the surest way to prevent possible staining form ashes or soot. 


Just as sculptors, for centuries, have found that marble, granite, and other richly veined types of stone are appealing to work, modern-day artisans consider stone a practical and attractive material for creating decorative products. Whether hand-carved and finished by the stonecutter or a design inter prated by mechanical means, each piece is unique. Shelving, tables, benches, platters, and bowls—all have felt the touch of the stone artist. 

The Usual Finishes 

  • Acid-washed: an acidic material creates an aged or textured look. 
  • Brushed: applying a coarse wire brush smoothest the surface and results in a time-worn finish. 
  • Flamed: the process involves high heat to produce an unrefined, exceedingly rough texture. 
  • Honed: A machine is used to achieve a smooth, satiny surface with a flat, or matte, appearance. 
  • Pillowed: this is a method that slightly rounds the edges of stone tiles, for a pillow-like effect. 
  • Polished: another machine process, it draws out the deepest stone colors and yields  
  • Tumbled: stone can be placed in a tumbling drum along with pebbles and chemicals for a worn effect.